

compodoc <src> [options]

Options :

Flag Description
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config [config] A configuration file : .compodocrc, .compodocrc.json, .compodocrc.yaml or compodoc property in package.json
-p, --tsconfig [config] A tsconfig.json file
-d, --output [folder] Where to store the generated documentation
-y, --extTheme [file] External styling theme
-n, --name [name] Title of the documentation
-a, --assetsFolder [folder] External assets folder to copy in generated documentation folder
-o, --open Open the generated documentation
-t, --silent In silent mode, log messages aren't logged in the console
-s, --serve Serve generated documentation (default http://localhost:8080/)
-r, --port [port] Change default serving port
-w, --watch Watch source files after serve and force documentation rebuild
-e, --exportFormat [format] Export in specified format (json, html (default))
--language [language] Language used for the generated documentation (de-DE, en-US, es-ES, fr-FR, hu-HU, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-BR, sk-SK, zh-CN) (default: en-US)
--theme [theme] Choose one of available themes, default is 'gitbook' (laravel, original, material, postmark, readthedocs, stripe, vagrant)
--hideGenerator Do not print the Compodoc logo at the bottom of the page
--toggleMenuItems Close by default items in the menu (default ['all']) values : ['all'] or one of these ['modules','components','directives','controllers','classes','injectables','guards','interfaces','interceptors','pipes','miscellaneous','additionalPages'])
--navTabConfig List navigation tab objects in the desired order with two string properties ("id" and "label"). Double-quotes must be escaped with '\'. Available tab IDs are "info", "readme", "source", "templateData", "tree", and "example". Note: Certain tabs will only be shown if applicable to a given dependency
--templates [folder] Path to directory of Handlebars templates to override built-in templates
--includes [path] Path of external markdown files to include
--includesName [name] Name of item menu of externals markdown files (default "Additional documentation")
--coverageTest Test command of documentation coverage with a threshold (default 70)
--coverageMinimumPerFile [minimum] Test command of documentation coverage per file with a minimum (default 0)
--coverageTestThresholdFail [boolean] Test command of documentation coverage (global or per file) will fail with error or just warn user (true: error, false: warn) (default: true)
--coverageTestShowOnlyFailed Display only failed files for a coverage test
--unitTestCoverage [json-summary] To include unit test coverage, specify istanbul JSON coverage summary file
--disableSourceCode Do not add source code tab and links to source code
--disableDomTree Do not add dom tree tab
--disableTemplateTab Do not add template tab
--disableStyleTab Do not add style tab
--disableGraph Disable rendering of the dependency graph
--disableCoverage Do not add the documentation coverage report
--disablePrivate Do not show private in generated documentation
--disableProtected Do not show protected in generated documentation
--disableInternal Do not show @internal in generated documentation
--disableLifeCycleHooks Do not show Angular lifecycle hooks in generated documentation
--disableRoutesGraph Do not add the routes graph
--disableSearch Do not add the search input
--disableDependencies Do not add the dependencies list
--minimal Minimal mode with only documentation. No search, no graph, no coverage.
--customFavicon [path] Use a custom favicon
--customLogo [path] Use a custom logo
--gaID [id] Google Analytics tracking ID
--gaSite [site] Google Analytics site name (default auto (default: auto)